2016 Bike and Walk to School Day
Tuesday, October 4, 2016, was Bike and Walk to School Day at Shepardson STEM Elementary. There was a sea of walkers and bikers at Shepardson!
Way to be fit, Shepardson STARS!
Thank you to the sponsors of this event! We appreciate the help you gave to make Bike and Walk to School Day at Shepardson a huge success!
Way to be fit, Shepardson STARS!
Thank you to the sponsors of this event! We appreciate the help you gave to make Bike and Walk to School Day at Shepardson a huge success!
Shepardson PTO
Shepardson Wellness Team
Noosa Yoghurt
Royal Crest Dairy
Human Bean Coffee
Love Grown Cereal
Trader Joes
Lamars Donuts
C.S.U. Bike Patrol
Fort Collins Fire Department
Safe Routes To School/City of Fort Collin
Shepardson Wellness Team
Noosa Yoghurt
Royal Crest Dairy
Human Bean Coffee
Love Grown Cereal
Trader Joes
Lamars Donuts
C.S.U. Bike Patrol
Fort Collins Fire Department
Safe Routes To School/City of Fort Collin